
Wednesday 15 July 2009

if you could be anywhere, be anything what would it be?

I've always had an idea of what i want to be/do when i 'grow up' even when i was a child.
Although it changed alot, i still knew i wanted something out of my life.
I don't have a clue what will happen, how it will happen, or how i will get there but i know it will happen in New York. I wouldn't feel right with it happening anywhere else.
It's a place with so many lives, so many happy endings, so many sad endings and so many stories i want to be told.
Do you ever walk down a crowded street and wonder what people are thinking? what there life is like? what it would be like to know them, to be in their shoes, to love them, to hate them?
so many things we could accomplish if we tried. There is no reason for me to not know all these people. They are all put on this earth, the same as us. for a reason. I want to be that reason for someone, i want to be the reason someone wakes up in the morning, i want to be the reason someone is able to smile, the reason someone is able to be loved. i want to be loved. i want to give love.
for so long i have been told that i am a 'try hard' and that i'm fake.
i've tried fitting in with the people around me, and it didn't work.
that's when i realized i can only be myselft, whatever that is.
i like what i like and i am what i am. no-one can change that anymore.

Wow, this school year is coming to a close.
it ends tomorow.
year 9 has been one of the funniest i've ever had, i owe that to my friends, without them i wouldnt have as many stories to tell, if any at all.
it's not really hit me yet. my life is going too quick
and i need to start enjoying it, rather than wasting it.
this year will be one of those memorable years.
it's so cliche, but it actually will be.

1 comment:

  1. hey do u know who is the author of this quote?: in the end we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were scared to have and the decisions we waited too long to make. There comes a time in your life when you realise who matters, who doesn't, who never did and who always will. So don't worry about the people from your past, there's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
